Thursday, May 28, 2009

Just Waiting

I'm sitting in my living room waiting to leave for a much anticipated job interview. As you know I have been going through and study from Malachi and it has had a lasting effect on me. I can sympathize so much with the children of Israel. How horrible it must have been to not hear the voice of God for 400 years. Regardless of the chastisment they received before God went totally silent, they were still a people that was used to hearing the Word of God. Whether it was through His own voice or the voice of the prophets. Of course they didn't listen to His voice and that's where the whole problem started.
I was sitting here today, all dressed up in my big boy pants and shoes. I've got my tie tied in a perfect Windsor knot and I guess I cleaned up pretty good for an old fat boy. You know I cant' say that God has been silent during the past few months. Sure, it looks as though He's forsaken us and all but we know better. We have watched God provide for us for the past 3 months. He may be providing for us a lot longer. This interview may be a total bust. I pray that His provision today will come in the form of a job but, if it doesn't, I've promised Him that I would be ok. Sure, I may cry, throw my head back and pitch a fit, but I will be ok. I know the God of Jacob. I know the God that watches the sparrow. I KNOW HIM!!! I trust the way that He choses to take care of me. I have walked many miles with Him. Some of those miles He has had to scoop me up and carry me. But I know Him. I can see His hand so vividly. How can I not trust Him when He has taken such good care of us.
In the beginning of all this mess my family and I prayed that we would bring Him honor. That He would not allow us to bring Him shame by allowing us to freak out in public. We laugh about that now.
Well, it is 3:07 and I have to leave. I am praying for favor. I already have the favor of God. I am praying that He will allow me to have favor with men.


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

More Than Enough

Numbers 18:20 And the Lord said to Aaron, “You priests will receive no allotment of land or share of property among the people of Israel. I am your share and your allotment.
I was reading my study in Malachi yesterday and in the passages was the above verses from Numbers. The study was actually talking about the seriousness and the specialness of God's calling for the Priests but when I got the verse 20 my heart sank a little. God had passed out blessings like crazy to the other tribes of Israel. Every piece of the new Promised Land had been divided out. When it came to Aaron's decedents, the tribe of Levi, they were told that they would get no allotment of land of share of property. I wonder if they felt let down. Here is the God of the universe passing out jobs, property and other blessings and the very ones who were responsible for standing in the gap between the people and God got nothing. Squat!!!
I guess that the way it appears if you look at it from human eyes. As I sat and read over this again I tried to picture myself standing in that great multitude and hearing those words. I tried to feel the reaction of my heart as I heard the words, "You priest will receive not allotment of land of property". Knowing me and knowing the way I rush to a conclusion. I assume what someone is saying sometimes before they are done saying it. Knowing the way I assume that God has abandoned me when I don't hear His voice every second of the day. Knowing the way that I assume that my friends don't care about me because they don't call or come by when actually they have JOBS AND FAMILIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES!!! Knowing all these things about myself I understand why I would miss the last part of what God actually said. Funny how we get bent so out of shape because we don't stop and listen to the end of a statement.
I have walked many years with God. I have witnessed the miraculous. I have seen Him provide when there was no provision. I have witnessed the changes in a sinner who was so bent against God until they truly experienced Him. I have been there when the presence of God filled the temple. I have seen His cloud by day and His pillar of fire by night. So it brings me great conviction when I miss such an important statement. "I am your share and allotment". That is God saying, "I am enough. I am giving you direct access to Me".
I left the house this morning with my girls in the car. One of them is broken hearted right now and I tried to tell her that God was enough and that He listens to us when we pray. I glanced around into the cars on the highway and people were busy talking on phones, putting on makeup while driving and going to work. I had a fleeting thought of jealousy. I long so much to back in the game. It's sort of depressing when you think about that all you have to look forward to is coming home and having all the time in the world to study the word of God. Today was one of those days. We have every reason to be grateful. We just got an email from someone who is providing a reading program for Micah that will hopefully help him overcome his reading disability. That was a direct answer to prayer. A few weeks ago we watched as God provided a Prom dress for Hannah. In the same week we received a box full of meat from a friend and the week before that other friends had provided us groceries and pantry supplies. God is good!!!
So why is it that I feel like I'm being cheated? I guess society has taught me that you are only as valuable as what you do. We have been taught that people in the service of God have less value. We tend to think that they don't really work that hard.
I have a friend who keeps telling me to enjoy my time off. Each time he tells me that I want to slug him in the face. How can I enjoy myself when I feel so worthless?
I did my job search this morning and was really scared at the low number of jobs we are finding available these days. A few weeks ago there were lots of jobs to apply for but literally thousands of people applying for them. We have had zero calls. The past two weeks have been different. Now there are fewer jobs being posted. The unemployment numbers are growing every day. I don't know what it will take to make things better. I'm trying very hard to learn the lessons that God has for me in all of this. Today that lesson is "I am enough". He is.
Father, I woke up this morning feeling like I had been cheated. You are more than enough for me.
More Than Enough
Jehovah Jireh My Provider
You are more than enough for me
Jehovah Raepha You're my healer
By your stripes I've been set free
Jehovah Shammah You are with me
You Supply All My Needs
You are more than enough
More than enough
You are more than enough for me


Thursday, May 14, 2009

Making The Cut

Matthew 4:18-22 (New Living Translation)
The First Disciples 18 One day as Jesus was walking along the shore of the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers—Simon, also called Peter, and Andrew—throwing a net into the water, for they fished for a living. 19 Jesus called out to them, “Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!” 20 And they left their nets at once and followed him.
21 A little farther up the shore he saw two other brothers, James and John, sitting in a boat with their father, Zebedee, repairing their nets. And he called them to come, too. 22 They immediately followed him, leaving the boat and their father behind.

I'm having one of those days. You know what I mean. The days when you feel like you didn't make the cut. Even before I read today's devotion I was feeling alienated. I never realized that I could see myself in the lives of the disciples. During Jesus' time boys only had two options. Attend school at the temple or work for a living. All Jewish boys went to school in the temple but only a few "shining stars" were chosen to follow in the steps of the Rabbi. These select few, learned everything there was to know about being a Rabbi. They ate the food the Rabbi ate, they went where the Rabbi went, they read what the Rabbi read. Their job was to learn to imitate the Rabbi. They did this by being in attendance to every waking moment of the Rabbi's life.
The rest of the boys that didn't make the cut went to work. That's where Jesus found Simon, Andrew, James and John. They had not made the cut. That's where I feel like I am. I just wonder how long it will be until Jesus comes to my boat and calls my name. My eyes fill with tears as I write that. I just want to scream "When is it my turn?". I've worked my butt off, I've practiced, written, listened, studied and now I find myself sitting on the boat waiting.
I'm trying to be patient. I trying to learn in the waiting. Following God is hard.


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Expecting God

Why is it we live our lives like we don't expect God to be there? Why is it when we go to church and God shows up we are so surprised? Why is when God is silent and we go through an entire worship service or an entire week without "feeling" anything that we are so depressed and downcast that we can't even go outside?
I'm in this study on Malachi everyday and I am more convicted each time. It's like a wreck on the freeway; even though I know it's an accident and I may be totally grossed out or allow my vision to fall on something that may haunt me for years, I can't look away. As painful as this study is I can't stop doing it. I find myself in every page of Malachi.
My heart goes out to the children of Israel. The last words of God to them was chastisement and rebuke. Then silence. 400 years of silence. How horrifying. Plenty of time for the words to ring in their ears and in the ears of their children. Still they didn't get it. They still didn't understand why God was so cross.
I remember the day Patricia and I we laid off. It's seemed we went from a life of busyness to nothing. Plenty of time for the words we were told to ring in our ears. I'm very thankful that God was not silent during that time. Can you imagine how hard it must have been for the Israelites to tell the stories of how God had delivered them from the hand of Pharoah, how he lead them in the wilderness, how he showed up time and time again. Can you imagine the lump in the throats of the adults as they told those stories to wide eyed children? A hand goes up in the back of the room. The Rabbi calls the name of the little boy holding up his hand. "Where is God now and why does he not deliver us now?" The little boy's parents are probably mortified and reach to take him outside to save him the them the embarrassment. "We do not know where God is and why he no longer delivers us" comes the reply.
The just didn't get it. Neither do we.
I would dare say that 90 percent of the people who enter our church each Sunday come with the desire to meet God but they don't really expect to meet him there. When they do they are completely surprised. When they don't they put on their "church" face, pat the pastor on the back and leave feeling unfulfilled.
I can't really say I blame them. I remember back when I led worship that there were those times when I just knew that the songs I used were directly from God's inspiration. Those were the times when God showed up. I expected him because I had spent the whole week preparing for him. His presence didn't take me by surprise because I had taken his leading and worshipped him the way he desired. Other times I felt that he left me the reigns and I did what I do best. I entertained the masses. Those were days when it seemed that everyone was happy but me. I know when God shows up. I recognize his walk.
What will it take to get this message to the church as a whole? When will we learn that we are to live our lives, design our worship services and plan our sermons like we expect God to be there? I guess one person at a time.
I looked over the music for this Sunday and immediately sighed. There seemed to be no inspiration or expectation. I completely loath one of the songs and if I could travel back in time to when the song was written I would reach over and snatch the pen out of the composers hand and pop him the nose like I do the weiner dogs and say "NO, NO!!. I guess if my attitude is one that expects God to show up then he will show up. It's not about the music or the song selection. It's not about the sermon or the lack thereof. It's about our hearts living in expectation. Expect him because you have spent the week with him and you know his desire is to be there. Expect him beause regardless of the heart next to you, your heart is ready. Your hearts yearns for him. Your heart expects to find him there.
I will be going to Praise Team practice in a matter of hours. I am going with expection. I am expecting God to show up.


Monday, May 11, 2009

Unworthy Sacrifices

Malachi 1:6-14 (New Living Translation)
Unworthy Sacrifices

6 The Lord of Heaven’s Armies says to the priests: “A son honors his father, and a servant respects his master. If I am your father and master, where are the honor and respect I deserve? You have shown contempt for my name!
“But you ask, ‘How have we ever shown contempt for your name?’
7 “You have shown contempt by offering defiled sacrifices on my altar.
“Then you ask, ‘How have we defiled the sacrifices?
“You defile them by saying the altar of the Lord deserves no respect. 8 When you give blind animals as sacrifices, isn’t that wrong? And isn’t it wrong to offer animals that are crippled and diseased? Try giving gifts like that to your governor, and see how pleased he is!” says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies.
9 “Go ahead, beg God to be merciful to you! But when you bring that kind of offering, why should he show you any favor at all?” asks the Lord of Heaven’s Armies.
10 “How I wish one of you would shut the Temple doors so that these worthless sacrifices could not be offered! I am not pleased with you,” says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, “and I will not accept your offerings. 11 But my name is honored by people of other nations from morning till night. All around the world they offer sweet incense and pure offerings in honor of my name. For my name is great among the nations,” says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies.
12 “But you dishonor my name with your actions. By bringing contemptible food, you are saying it’s all right to defile the Lord’s table. 13 You say, ‘It’s too hard to serve the Lord,’ and you turn up your noses at my commands,” says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies. “Think of it! Animals that are stolen and crippled and sick are being presented as offerings! Should I accept from you such offerings as these?” asks the Lord.
14 “Cursed is the cheat who promises to give a fine ram from his flock but then sacrifices a defective one to the Lord. For I am a great king,” says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, “and my name is feared among the nations!

So....I'm studying this morning and God decided to hit me right between the eyes with this. It is my natural inclination to apply the verses I read to others that I know. They very rarely seem to apply to me and my life, right? That comes from years of being raised in a legalistic church where the Word of God was used as a weapon to those outside our church. Anyway, I am going through this study to prepare for a Sunday School class that I will begin to teach in a few weeks. I actually had not intended to teach this study but picked it up for my own personal study time. It's based on the book of Malachi. I am on about page 26 and so far I have been broken down, built back up, broken down again. I heard it said once that revival is not the roof blowing off but the floor caving in. I guess I've had some caving in this morning.
It's funny how the words you say to encourage others always bring you to a time of "put up or shut up". How many times have I prayed with those who were going through difficult times. Maybe a marriage that ended, financial difficulties, the loss of a loved one. I've always been able to give the right words. I've always been able to "connect" with God in those times. I am a completely different story. I've lived most of my life with the assumption that God's Word was for everyone else and that I was an exception to the rule. I don't say that because I feel that I am spiritually superior or anything. I say that because I have always felt like the least favored. I tell people that and their mouths drop open. I put off this aire of confidence that some people take as conceit. Deep down I am not that way at all. (Another story for another time)
The book of Malachi has pretty harsh words for us. What? I thought the book was written to Israel? Not so Grasshopper.
Malachi bring condeming words to God's people. It seems that not only were they guilty of bringing "damaged" animals for sacrifice but some of the people would steal sheep for their sacrifices. Sound familiar? We come to church out of obligation...because it's the right thing to do. We rush in and rush out and for another week we have fulfilled our commitment to God. Sure we might get the "warm fuzzies" while we're there but as soon as we're in the car it's business as usual.
Revival is the floor caving in. I have had a floor caving in kind of day. I am sitting in my dining room with my Bible spread out before me looking outside at an absolutely beautiful day. The weiner dogs are barking at some mysterious thing that only they can see. I have food in the freezer and for the time being, the bills are paid. Other than the fact I can't seem to get a video to download from Youtube I can't complain. I have the house to myself and plenty of time for God to apparently whip my behind. At a time in my life when I should be especially sensitive to God I have allowed my heart to become callosed. I have been guilty of coming before God. Bringing Him me in all my glory and lack thereof. What a sacrifice. I am probaly very near legally blind. Every bone in my body hurts. We won't even talk about how overweight I am. I have spent countless hours worrying, being angry and reflecting on my past failures and shortcomings and not enough time trying to figure out where I will most glorify God. God has apprently read the instructions that say "Shake Well before Using".
After Malachi gave God's message to Israel God was silent for over 40o years. How excrusiating that must have been.
I have been praying for revival. I have been praying that the floor would cave in and that people would come to the realization that God requires blemish free sacrifices. This, I dare to say, does apply to me. I can't get around that. This is the message we need. God REQUIRES holiness. Our religion makes Him want to vomit!! I can't even watch what passes for Christian TV. It sickens me. It's all can do to sit through most church services. The message of Malachi is for us today. Stop bringing unacceptable sacrifices to God. Stop coming to church out of obligation. Serve Him out of love and appreciation. Honor Him becuase He's GOD!!!


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Shake Well Before Using

I wish I had some great verse of scripture that would relay my feelings today, but I don't. I am looking over this study for a new Sunday School class that I will teaching in a few weeks. It's based in Malachi. As soon as I read the back cover I knew that this was a study that I needed to do even if i didn't teach it to a class.
The last words in the Old Testament are a rebuke from the prophet Malachi. It seems that God had called him to be the mouthpeice to that generation and their version of the church. Religion had become such an abomination that God sent scathing words through Malachi. After Malachi God remained silent for over 400 years. Nothing, not one word until John the Baptist came on the scene.
All during the first few pages of this study I kept thinking about the words on a lot of the products I use, "Shake Well before Using". It seems that is where I find myself....being shaken. It's not the first time that God has decided to shake things up before He uses me.
My less than perfect childhood. My big tift with my family after my dad died. Our expulsion from the church where I served on staff. The loss of our jobs. That's just a few of the times that God has shaken things up to get us ready for some greater purpose.
I went to church today determined that I would step away from the ministry I am currently involved in. I'm just not getting what I need to be getting. I don't agree with the way the team is run and the decisions that are made. Instead a dear friend of mine had decided that this would be the day that he would walk away. I spoke with this dear friend weeks ago when God gave a rare opportunity to spend some time alone. He shared with me how his wife had left our church and that God was really dealing with him about being with her. I love this guy beyond belief and admire him so much that it was very hard me to agree to pray that God would lead him to the place he needed to be. I knew all along that God wanted them to be in church together even if it meant that we would lose that most awesome drummer I have ever had the pleasure to work with. I agreed to pray so I did. Well today, as much as it hurts to admit, God was pleased to answer our prayers.
I don't know what will happen. I know today was hard. I never had a chance to talk to him before he left. I was stuck in a conversation with someone and couldn't pull away. I saw him pack his sticks and walk out wthout me saying once more, "You are my hero".
Shake Well before Using. Why is it that we must be shaken so violently before God can use us? Why is it that revival can't come until the floor caves in and we have no option but to call on the mercies of God?
I am sad. Sad mostly because I'm not handling it better. I know I am being shaken. I hope that the shaking stops soon and that God will choose to use me for whatever purpose He has designed.
