Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Obedience with your whole heart

2 Chronicles 25:2 Amaziah did what was pleasing in the Lord's sight, but not wholeheartedly.
I was reading my devotional a few days ago which happened to be based on 2 Chronicles 25-26. When i first saw the passage I thought, "Great, still in 2 Chronicles". As soon as I got to verse two I was already convicted. I had just beem guilty of the same thing as Amaziah. I was taking time to be in the Word but I wasn't doing it wholeheartedly. I was doing what was pleasing to the Lord but I wasn't doing it with a pure heart. I was in the Word because of the obligation. We are supposed to be in the Word, right? We are supposed to go to church, right?
How many times I get in the car on Sunday morning and think how badly I need something powerful from God. How much I desire to hear His voice and experience Him and a fresh, new way. But that is not the reason I go to church. I go out of obligation. I am not going because I love God or His people. As I sit here writing this I am listening to Natalie Grant's "The Real Me". How appropriate. God knows the real me and that is scary. He knows that all the "things" I do are not all done with a pure heart. Sometimes I do things to get attention. Sometimes I do things to gain applause. I've worked hard to develop my craft, it's ok to show off once in a while, right? It's ok to accept a pat on the back once in a while, right?
I think that is what Amaziah thought too. As long as he obeyed the law of the Lord that's all that mattered. He didn't take into account his heart and that God would rather have one deed done with a pure heart than a thousand sacrifices without.
So, I have been pretty beaten up. I have been very vocal in my opinions about the "worship" in most churches. I have voiced my opinion about the "Worship Leaders" taking the stage in churches today with their freshly whitened teeth and their tanned faces. Worship has become a gimmick used to get people into church and worship leaders are using their responsibilities as a means to showcase their talents and the abilities of their bands all the time raising their hands as an offering of praise and worship as they crack the corner of their eye to make sure the congregation is watching. I think Benny Hinn and others in the healing business would call that "Priming The Pump". They are accustomed to throwing a "fake" in every so often to pime the pump and to increase the faith of the congregation.
Anyway, when the book of my life is written, I don't want the words to be, "Allen did what was pleasing to the Lord, but not wholeheartedly". I want it to say, "Allen, loved the Lord with all his heart, soul and mind and had a deep to desire to know God as deeply as a human being possibly can this side of heaven. He read the Word not out of obligation but out of a sincere desire to know God. He was a passionate worshipper and sang and played not to showcase His talents and abilities but to lead God's people to a place of worship of a God Who was truely worthy".
Maybe that's a lot to ask.


1 comment:

MM said...

Well said, Allen. Thank you for writing this. I was very convicted.